This was a super big deal, and after Olivia got out they even got to turn on the jets. There was constant shrieking, laughter, and "best day ever" comments.
Once they all got out of the tub, they got wrapped up like little mummies. Other than Olivia's super awkward facial expression, I love this pic:
Next came getting dressed and of course a fashion show:
Manis and pedis of course. Each nail had to be a different color with sparkles on it, obvi.

You can't have a girls day without makeovers. Look at the eyelashes on Layla. I mean seriously!

My original goal was no TV. Well, I failed. They watched a little. Give me a break.
And played a few iPad games (yes, that is Layla's naked butt. I discovered that the only way to potty train her is to not put a pull-up or anything on her. No accidents yet!)
There was some dog-cuddling (yes, the coat is on yet again. I'm telling you, she's obsessed in an awkward way).
At the girls' request, we got Mamma Lucia's for dinner.
I dare you to say Olivia didn't enjoy it:
And I'm thinking another bath is in order:
I was informed that a dance party was essential. And yes I think Layla is mid-nose picking.
We finished the day making oreo milkshakes. The smashing of the oreos was probably their fav:
The tutu/socks/hair combo kills me:
So delicious and SO happy.
All in all, an amazing day. My house looked like a bomb hit it afterwards, but who cares. My girls (well, at least Summer) will never forget mommy throwing caution (or errands and cleaning) to the wind and doing WHATEVER they wanted. We made amazing memories, I think I gained 5lbs from all the carbs and junk we ate, but it was totally worth it.
And finally, at the end of the night, after everyone went to bed... mommy could relax:
Or take four sips and fall asleep at 9pm.